Artificial Intelligence (AI) Review

The Decentralized Search Revolution Presearch Nodes (PRE): A Comprehensive Review of July 2023

Presearch Nodes A Comprehensive Review

Are you curious about how a decentralized search engine works? Do you want to learn more about Presearch nodes and their role in providing a community-powered, decentralized search experience?

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricacies of building a decentralized search engine and the unique challenges that come with it. We will delve into the architecture of Presearch nodes, the rewards for node operators, and the benefits of running a node. So, let’s dive in and unravel the world of Presearch nodes!

Pros and Cons of Presearch Nodes (PRE)

Pros of Presearch Nodes

  1. Community-Powered Search: Presearch nodes enable users to actively participate in the search engine ecosystem, contributing to a more decentralized and community-driven search experience.
  2. Incentives for Node Operators: Node operators receive rewards for their contribution, creating a financial incentive for running a node and supporting the Presearch mission.
  3. User Control and Privacy: By running your own node, you have greater control over your search experience and the protection of your personal information.

Cons of Presearch Nodes

  1. Technical Complexity: Running a node requires technical knowledge and understanding of the underlying infrastructure, which may be a barrier for some users.
  2. Uptime and Reliability: Node operators need to ensure their nodes are continuously running, which may require dedicated hardware and resources.
  3. Potential Fluctuations in Rewards: The rewards for node operators can vary based on network demand and capacity, leading to potential payout fluctuations.

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Unique Features of Presearch Nodes

Presearch nodes offer several unique features that set them apart from other decentralized search engines:

  1. Core Services: Presearch provides essential services, including Advertising API, Account Management API, Search Rewards Tracking, and Keyword Staking, which Presearch centrally manages.
  2. Node Registry: The node registry manages the identity of all nodes, tracks node statistics, and facilitates reward payouts to node operators.
  3. Node Gateway: The node gateway acts as an intermediary between the web server and the nodes, ensuring the privacy of user information and directing search requests to healthy nodes.

What are Presearch Nodes?

Presearch nodes form the backbone of the Presearch search engine network. These nodes are operated by individuals like you who contribute their computing resources to support the decentralized search infrastructure. By running a Presearch node, you become an integral part of the Presearch community and help provide a community-powered, decentralized search experience to users around the world.

How do Presearch Nodes Work?

When a user performs a search on the Presearch search engine, the search request is received by a web server. The web server then passes the search request to the node gateway, which anonymizes the request and forwards it to one or more healthy nodes. These nodes process the search request and return the results to the web server, which then renders the final search results page for the user.

Presearch nodes operate on a decentralized container solution, ensuring the scalability and reliability of the network. The node registry manages the identity of all nodes, tracks their performance, and facilitates reward payouts to node operators.

Understanding the Challenges of Decentralization Search

Building a decentralized search engine comes with its own set of challenges. Presearch has tackled several of these challenges to ensure a secure and reliable search experience for its users. Some of the challenges include:

  1. Preventing Malicious Actors: In a decentralized network, it is crucial to prevent malicious actors from running nodes and compromising user information or returning harmful content. Presearch has implemented measures to mitigate these risks and ensure the safety of its users.
  2. Achieving Fast Response Times: With a massively distributed network of servers, achieving fast response times can be a significant challenge. Presearch has worked on optimizing its network to deliver search results within milliseconds, despite the variability in performance and reliability across nodes.
  3. Incentivizing Node Operators: To ensure a robust network of nodes, it is essential to incentivize people to run nodes. Presearch has devised a system to reward node operators for their contribution, maintaining a balance between supply and demand for both nodes and searches within the network.

The Core Layers of Presearch Search Engine Architecture

The Presearch search engine architecture consists of six core layers that work together to provide a decentralized search experience. Let’s take a closer look at each layer:

1. Core Services

At the heart of the Presearch search engine are various critical services, including the Advertising API, Account Management API, Search Rewards Tracking, Keyword Staking, and Marketplace. Presearch centrally manages these services and is essential for the smooth functioning of the platform.

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2. Web Server

The Web Server acts as an intermediary between Presearch users and the Gateway. It receives search requests from users and passes them on to the Gateway to generate search results. Once the results are obtained, the Web Server renders the final results page and delivers it to the user.

3. Node Registry

The Node Registry is responsible for managing the identity of all nodes within the Presearch network. It keeps track of node statistics and handles reward payouts to node operators. This centralized management ensures the integrity and security of the network.

4. Node Gateway

The Node Gateway plays a crucial role in processing search requests. It receives requests from the Web Server, anonymizes them by removing personally identifiable information, and forwards them to one or more healthy nodes within the network. The Gateway ensures that user privacy is maintained while facilitating efficient search operations.

5. Presearch Nodes

Presearch nodes are the backbone of the decentralized search engine. These nodes are operated by individuals who contribute their computing resources to the network. By running a node, they help process search requests, maintain the integrity of the network, and ensure fast response times. Node operators play a vital role in providing the decentralized search experience.

6. User Interface

The User Interface is the final layer of the Presearch search engine architecture. It is the interface through which users interact with the search engine. The User Interface allows users to enter search queries, view search results, and access additional features provided by Presearch.

Now that we have explored the core layers of the Presearch search engine architecture, let’s dive deeper into the process of running a Presearch node.

Running a Presearch Node

Running a Presearch node is a great way to contribute to the decentralized search engine and earn rewards. Whether you are motivated by financial incentives, supporting the Presearch mission, or simply exploring the potential of decentralized search, running a node offers a rewarding experience. Let’s explore the steps involved in setting up a Presearch node.

1. Choose Your Setup

Before you begin, decide where you want to run your node. There are several options available, each with its own pros and cons:

  • Virtual Private Server (VPS): Running a node on a VPS allows you to utilize cloud or data center resources. While this option may incur costs, you can select a cost-friendly provider or take advantage of free-tier services.
  • Home Computer: If you prefer running a node on your home computer, ensure it is powered 24/7. Keep in mind that this option may result in increased electricity bills and utilize your network resources.
  • Decentralized Container Solution: Innovative solutions like offer prebuilt Presearch nodes. Though harder to obtain, these decentralized containers provide a cost-effective and energy-efficient approach to running a node.

Choose the setup that best aligns with your requirements and resources.

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2. Install Docker

Docker is a containerization platform that allows you to package and deploy software in a self-contained environment. Depending on your operating system, follow the installation instructions for Docker or Docker Desktop.

  • Linux/PREberry: Install Docker on your target machine running Linux or PREberry.
  • Windows/Mac: Install Docker Desktop on your home computer if you choose to run a node locally.

Ensure that Docker is successfully installed before proceeding to the next step.

3. Start Your Node

Once Docker is installed, you can start your Presearch node. The command below initializes your node and connects it to the Presearch network:

docker stop presearch-node ; docker rm presearch-node ; docker stop presearch-auto-updater ; docker rm presearch-auto-updater ; docker run -d --name presearch-auto-updater --restart=unless-stopped -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock presearch/auto-updater --cleanup --interval 900 presearch-auto-updater presearch-node ; docker pull presearch/node ; docker run -dt --name presearch-node --restart=unless-stopped -v presearch-node-storage:/app/node -e REGISTRATION_CODE=$YOUR_REGISTRATION_CODE_HERE presearch/node ; docker logs -f presearch-node

Make sure to replace $YOUR_REGISTRATION_CODE_HERE with your actual registration code. This code associates your node’s identity with your Presearch account.

4. Monitor Your Node

After starting your node, it’s essential to monitor its output to ensure everything is running smoothly. You can use the following command to view the node’s output:

docker logs -f presearch-node

Keep an eye on the output, and you should start seeing incoming searches as “Success!” messages. You can also perform searches yourself on the Presearch Testnet to observe the distribution of searches across the network.

5. Managing Your Node

You have full control over your Presearch node, and you can stop, start, or restart it as needed. Use the following commands in your terminal to manage your node:

  • Stop your node and the presearch-auto-updater manually:
docker stop presearch-node
docker stop presearch-auto-updater
  • Restart a manually stopped node:
docker start presearch-auto-updater
docker start presearch-node
  • Check if the node services are running:
docker ps

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Remember to periodically check the status of your node to ensure it is running smoothly.

Node Rewards and Incentives

As a node operator, you are eligible to receive Node Rewards for your contributions to the Presearch network. Node Rewards serve as an incentive for running a node and are an integral part of the Presearch ecosystem. Let’s explore some key aspects of Node Rewards:

  • Financial Incentives: Running a node can be financially rewarding. The Tokenomics Engine adjusts the payout levels based on the network’s needs. When more server capacity is required, rewards increase to incentivize more nodes to join the network. Conversely, if there is excess server capacity, rewards are adjusted to maintain a balance within the ecosystem.
  • Traffic Fluctuations: Node rewards are designed to align with normal traffic fluctuations. By running a node, you can take advantage of periods with elevated rewards payouts. Presearch expects nodes to be set up for autoscaling to optimize rewards during peak traffic.
  • Transparent and Up-to-Date Rewards: To ensure fairness and transparency, Presearch publishes and maintains up-to-date Node Rewards levels. This allows node operators to make informed decisions and ensures a sustainable and financially viable operation.
  • Multiple Nodes and Staking: You can run multiple nodes under your Presearch account, subject to certain limitations. Each node requires a unique Registration Code to initialize and associate with your account. You can change your Registration Code at any time, but the old code will no longer initialize new nodes.
  • Stake Management: The stake represents the number of PRE tokens you wish to stake on your node. You can specify the stake during the first connection of your node. Subsequent changes to your node’s stake can be made on the node dashboard. Stakes can be specified as an exact number of tokens, a relative number, or by pulling from specific metadata of other nodes. The stake ensures a minimum level of payout to keep the nodes running and financially viable.

By running a Presearch node, you not only contribute to the decentralized search engine but also have the opportunity to earn rewards for your efforts. Whether you are motivated by financial incentives or supporting the Presearch mission, running a node is a rewarding experience.

Purchasing PRE Tokens

To participate in the Presearch ecosystem, you need PRE tokens. You can purchase them directly from Presearch through their marketplace using Bitcoin, Ethereum, or US Dollars.

Alternatively, you can buy PRE tokens from external exchanges, but keep in mind that you will need to pay transaction and transfer fees to send them to your Presearch wallet for staking. Here are a few exchanges where you can purchase PRE tokens:

  1.  Uniswap V2 (Ethereum)
  2. KuCoin
  3. 1inch Exchange

Ensure that you have a Presearch wallet set up to receive and store your PRE tokens securely. This wallet will also be used for staking your tokens on your node.


Running a Presearch node is an exciting opportunity to be part of the future of search. By contributing your computing resources, you play a crucial role in providing a community-powered, decentralized search experience. We explored the challenges of building a decentralized search engine and the unique architecture of Presearch nodes.

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We also discussed the rewards and incentives for node operators and the process of running a node. Additionally, we touched upon purchasing PRE tokens to participate in the Presearch ecosystem.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Can I run multiple nodes under one Presearch account?

Yes, you can operate multiple nodes under one Presearch account, allowing for increased contribution and potential rewards.

What are the recommended system requirements for running a Presearch node on a home computer?

To ensure uptime and reliability, it is recommended to run your node on a computer that is powered on 24/7 and has sufficient resources to handle the node’s operations.

How often are Node Rewards adjusted?

Node Rewards are adjusted based on network demand and capacity. The Tokenomics Engine dynamically modifies rewards to incentivize node operators and maintain a balanced ecosystem.

Can I change my Registration Code for a node?

Yes, you can generate a replacement code for your node at any time via the Nodes Dashboard. However, previously-initialized nodes will continue to function with the old code.

How can I check if my node and auto-updater are running?

Use the provided command “docker ps” to check if the node services are running on your machine.

What happens if my node gets disconnected?

If a node is disconnected, another node can potentially take over its stake and continue the network contribution. The duration after which a node is considered “disconnected” can be adjusted.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as financial or investment advice. Always do your own research before making any investment decisions.